1) Every Saturday and Wednesday Students should be wear Sport Uniform (T-Shirt).
2) Every second Saturday there would be parents meeting only for Nursery to std. II’ nd
TIME: 1 PM to 3 PM
3) Every Third Saturday there would be parents meeting for Std. 3’rd to 8’th and Fourth Saturday for Std. 9th
and 10′ th.
TIME: 1 PM to 3 PM
4) Parents must attend at least one meeting in a month. On other day parents can’t meet the teacher. In any emergency the parents may contact H.O.D.
5) Parents are requested to send their wards regularly, punctually and neatly dressed inthe prescribed uniform.
6) Students must bring school diary everyday.
7) Parents and guardians are not allowed to meet their wards or Teachers during the class hours.
8) If a student is absent due to any reason, an application for leave is necessary.
9) Every student must be present in the school before the prayer starts.
10) parents are requested not to send ornaments, money or any Valuables with their wards.
11) Parents/Gardian may be requested to paid their wards fees to authorised person which are appointed by school.
12) parents/Gardians must be paid at the start of the session 25 % of the tuition fees.
13) 50% fees paid upto 15 Oct. 2023.
14) 75 % fees paid upto 15 Dec. 2023 and fully fee is completed before 25 Feb. 2024 ).
15) Dear Guardians/ parents must be paid traveling fee each month regularly.
१६) पालको से अनुरोध है की अपने पाल्य की स्कूल फीस स्कूल के द्वारा नियुक्त प्रतिनिधी के पास ही जमा करें।
१७) शैक्षणिक सत्र के सुरुवात में पाल्य की २५% फीस जमा करना आवश्यक है।
१८) पाल्य की ५०% स्कूल फीस १५ ऑक्टो. २०२३ तक जमा करना आवश्यक है।
(१९) दिनांक १५ डिसेंबर २०२३ तक पाल्य की स्कूल फीस ७५% फीस जमा होना आवश्यक है। पूर्ण फीस २५ फेब्रुवारी २०२४ के पहले जमा करना अनिवार्य है।
२०) पालकों से अनुरोध है की अपने पाल्य की वाहन फीस प्रत्येक महिने भरा करें व स्कूल को सहकार्य प्रदान करे।